my favorite author is barbara white daille and i just asked her editor if she has any books on audiobooks and she regretfully replied in the negative
okay, let's have it out - do audiobooks count as 'reading' ?
- bbc
'THE next time you settle down with a good book, will you reach for a set of headphones instead of an eReader? Audiobook publishers are hoping so—and the market’s anticipated growth lends weight to their aspirations. In 2020, Deloitte predicts, the global audiobook market will grow by 25 percent to US$3.5 billion. And audiobooks aren’t the only audio format gaining in popularity. We also predict that the global podcasting market will increase by 30 percent to reach US$1.1 billion in 2020, surpassing the US$1 billion mark for the first time.'
'The audiobook and podcasting markets are growing far faster than the overall media and entertainment market. What's so special about listening?'
'The audiobook market isn’t just about dollars; it’s about listeners as well. According to a 2018 survey, 18 percent of American adults said that they listened to an audiobook in the last 12 months, up four percentage points since 2016.11 Assuming this growth rate has held steady, these figures imply that more than 73 million people listen to an audiobook at least once a year in the United States today. '
- deloitte .com december 10th, 2019 (1.)
'Although the reports of mass market’s death have been greatly exaggerated, the format has been struggling. According to NPD BookScan, which tracks roughly 80% of print sales, mass market titles accounted for 13% of total print units sold in 2013; that figure dropped to 9% last year.'
chart- total publishing sales down 8.5% since 2020
- publishing perspectives february 2021 (3.)
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